Monday, November 30, 2009

Lots of Pics

Kevin here, using Ellen's account since I can't figure out my own contributor account (and, don't ask how long it took to scan these photos on to the computer... no, really, I do understand computers (somewhat)).

Due to recent ACL reconstructive surgery, I was not able to go to the last doctor's visit, which was to the "peri". I kept asking Ellen if they can record the U/S to a DVD or CD (I understand this is something they do), but apparently I had to settle for the "old fashioned" method of pictures. They were just as impressive as a video. The little "guys" are growing like, well, uh, weeds. There was some great definition of their various body parts (no, not able to tell that part, although, that would be impressive....).

It really is hard to believe that we are about to have a mega-instant-family coming our way in the next few months. One child, sure, can handle that. Two? Wow, changes the whole situation quite a bit, but we always wanted multiple children (reality hits you like a sledge hammer). Right now both Ellen and I are concerned that our garbage pickup just recently changed to once a week. Can you imagine what the diaper situation will be like with twins during the summer months? In our family we have a code word for smell (from the dogs) and it is "pongo". I think we are going to encounter quadruple pongo this summer, every week.

Brooke has been such a trooper. I was pretty much out of it last week, but we had a great conversation (well, at least I think we did), and it was a nice distraction from having my knee on fire. Also, I just have to give a shout out and congratulations to Danny, who is officially off the medication part of this trip -- I know how you feel, but some times isn't it gratifying to stab your significant other with a needle? Uh, I mean, how great is it that you don't have to do that any more....

I completely agree with one of Ellen's last posts that time just seems to be crawling along. The widget on this site is fantastic, and at times seems to completely resemble the upside down and right side up situation of our two little kickers (or, shooters if they play basketball).

It will be one crazy summer, that is all I can say. Thanks so much, Brooke and Danny, we are looking forward to our continued friendship and bonding.

- Kevin

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