Monday, October 12, 2009

And I breathe another sigh of relief......

Yesterday was a crazy day! I was getting ready drying my hair and felt something warm, sat down to go to the bathroom and I was bleeding. It was red so immediately I paniced, started crying and then gathered myself together enough to call the clinic. I laid down on the bed just waiting for them to call back. I had left messages with both clinics, the one I've been going to here in Richmond and the clinic that Ellen and Kevin have been using, also where I had my transfer. Their clinic called me back almost immediately and told me to relax, take it easy for the rest of the day and go to the ER if I had any major pain or bleeding got really heavy. About 20mins. later the local clinic called and the on call doctor there told me to head to the ER. Not exactly what I wanted to do. I hate Emergency Rooms. So I spent a few hours there only to have a little piece of mind and really no certainty. I did quit bleeding shortly after it began and never had any cramping so I was a little positive.
I waited until all had calmed down at my house including myself before I called Ellen. While I tried to stay positive I was very nervous. I didn't want to scare her or upset her unnecessarily. So fast forward to today. I met Ellen and Kevin outside the doctor's office and we all waited impatiently for them to call us back for our first u/s which was already scheduled for today. It was definitely nerve wracking sitting in the exam room with Dan, Ellen and Kevin just waiting on the doctor to come in and tell us everything was ok. We thought at first that he was going to say something negative by the look on his face, but he announced, "There's two!" And then Dan asked if they both had heartbeats and he said yes they did. So we've got two little beans growing in there with heartbeats right now. One is measuring a little smaller, but I'm no sure how much smaller because he didn't take any measurements which I found odd. So while we went in not sure what to expect today it ended up absolutely wonderful and I breathe yet another sigh of relief. Now we wait again for the next u/s....

1 comment:

  1. And the stress from "waiting" won't get any better :) Congratulations on the good news!!! I had planned to FB you today to ask, but thought I'd catch up on my blogs first. So glad to hear the absolutely wonderful news. I knew it was 2 - those BETA's were just too high to be 1 little baby :) So very excited for you...get ready for the ride of your life. I have a surro friend pregnant with twin girls and its been a very different pregnancy for her....

    Oh, and our IVF clinic said bleeding is normal for the first 8 weeks, so don't freak out again. Just take it easy.... Prayers for you my friend!!
