Friday, October 23, 2009

Another step closer.........

So yesterday was u/s #2. Dan and I made the 2hr. trip to Shady Grove to meet up with Ellen and Kevin and have an u/s with their RE. I'll have to admit I was nervous again. I don't know why because I've had nothing out of the ordinary, but I guess it's just a natural feeling. We didn't have to wait long for them to call us back and then not long at all for the RE to come in with the u/s tech. She did a great job showing us everything and explaining everything. She asked me if I'd had some spotting and I said yes. She could see a little spot in the uterus and it has a name, but now I forget it what it was. It is almost like a blood clot. It is seperate from either placenta so all is good and she said it will most likely get reasorbed into the uterus. I guess it's a common thing too so no worries there. We still have two beautiful little ones growing in there. Baby A had a heartbeat of 161 and measured exactly on schedule and Baby B had a heartbeat of 160 and is measuring just a few days small, but they said that is also normal for one to be a little smaller. So we made it one step closer. Next appt is not until Nov.9th and that is here with my OB. So until then.......

1 comment:

  1. Our IVF clinic called it a "bleed" and yes, it is very common with IVF pregnancies :) Such wonderful news for you all!!! Keep up the good baby bakin'!
